Friday 28 September 2012

The strangers face

The strangers face
How we quickly judge intent and danger in the face of strangers, but it’s not just the fact that the face is strange it also has to do with the setting we find ourselves in. To some extent I think media and mainstream movies have us formulating personality based on first glances, the cowboy dressed in black, the mug-shot disheveledness  of the perpetrator. So that’s our modern man made so called instinct. But if we change the way we see something , what we see changes, commercials do this all the time changing the music , setting, the whole feel of the encounter to disarm our natural feeling to mistrust, to judge. Allowing them to, interject a suggestion or action. So the question I pose is … if I change the music, setting and context in my mind will I be so quick to judge when the strangers present themselves to me?

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