Thursday 8 March 2012

The new face

From this place we only start to age, many will try to regain these attributes; soft skin, large bright eyes and small nose. There is something refreshing with seeing the new face, it’s unique and fresh, no one has ever looked just like this. But mostly it’s the wide eyed fascination with the entire world, everything even the most simple things must seem like magic or fantasy. What does the new face see, how does it perceive things. In this new face there is almost a Mona Lisa type smile .. the only two emotional things we are born with laughing and crying, it takes time for the rest of the world to teach us fear, anger and all the other complicated emotions imposed on us. In this high key lighting the subject seems to emerge from pure light, born into this contrasting place of good and bad. Just looking at this image makes me feel different inside, it makes me more optimistic, more trusting and more relaxed. Maybe it’s the innocence, the friendliness or the clean slate we all start with. What do you see? what do you feel?

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