Tuesday 6 March 2012

The first face

Faces in the crowd … most of us would rather melt into a crowd and not be noticed because we feel imperfect while others being bold and confident make sure they stand out for all to notice . Well this blog is intended to bring attention to those who would prefer to remain anonymous, but not to point them out but to recognize the beautiful differences surrounding us and them.

Only first names will be use if any at all, I want to read in the faces what is being captured, the context from which the photo was taken … there’s a word “captured” like some indigenous tribes believing we can capture their soul in a camera I think we capture something, but I am still trying to figure out what…so I hope people reading this blog can help me discover what it is we capture…

All this is inspired by http://www.99facesofoccupywallst.org/ by August Bradley

This is the first time I have ever physically (this blog) dealt with the things I have thought about. Either, the medium was not there nor did I have a safe non judgemental  place or person to share it with, It seems I am older, perhaps wiser ( not sure) but I do know I no longer want to be silent about them . Now I don’t want to scream them out either, my photos speak too me … speak about me  so it’s only fair that I start with a photo of me ! 

A dark, low key photo of me, trying to use shadow to merge with the background. Sharp strands of hair dirty glasses, un-trimmed beard and neutral look. What do others see? What shows?  what is hidden?
In the coming months I hope to share more faces and hope you share some too.


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