Monday 1 October 2012

The silhouetted face

Sometimes light, catches just the very edges of the subject, showing but the superficial outline of it. It leaves our brain to extrapolate what is hidden in the contrasted darkness of the areas obscured from view. Some people want to be seen as a silhouette and fear that if we see the darkened areas for what they really are the truth will not be to the viewers liking, but in the dark the viewer is left with only the basic anatomical sense of what lays there. Like the proverbial ostrich with its head stuck in the sand our fear drives us to believe what we or they cannot see will not hurt us. Looking in the mirror may be one of the truly difficult things to do, in the stark light we need to actually look and say “I see myself”.

The face of revolution
We used to able to pick out the face of revolution, from the 60’s activist to the “Che “ beret wearing guerrilla. But now it is much more difficult, the “occupy” or counter culture revolutionist looks like you or me; all ages, all genders, there is no uniform anymore and no working occupation associated with expressing ones anger or revolt ion, at events or situations that have been so intolerable even grandma’s are willing to risk arrest. You can do it part-time, on –call, so finally everyone can participate! Has it become so common that it is regarded as fashionable to have a cause? Have we become so desensitized to the coverage of another mob protesting against another institution, that the message is lost? Sometimes I fear, what could be next for groups to garner attention, to jump onto the front pages. I miss the romantic vision of the urban guerrilla, who is so easily identifiable and makes a great T-shirt logo.